CKA Certification Course - Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Core Concepts


Hello, and welcome to this lesson on Kubernetes controllers. I'm Mumshad Mannambeth, and today we'll dive into the essential components that drive Kubernetes operations. Kubernetes controllers continuously monitor objects and take necessary actions, and in this lesson, we focus on the replication controller—an essential building block for maintaining high availability in your cluster.

Imagine a scenario where a single pod runs your application. If that pod crashes or fails, users lose access. To prevent this risk, running multiple pod instances is key. A replication controller ensures high availability by creating and maintaining the desired number of pod replicas. Even if you intend to run a single pod, a replication controller adds redundancy by automatically creating a replacement if the pod fails.

The image illustrates a Kubernetes setup with a user interacting with a replication controller managing two pods on a node.

If one pod serving your application crashes, the replication controller immediately deploys a new one to keep the service available.

The image illustrates a high availability setup with Kubernetes, showing a replication controller managing multiple pods across nodes.

For example, if you need to maintain a constant service level, the controller ensures the desired number of pods—whether one or one hundred—are always running.

The image illustrates high availability using Kubernetes, showing nodes with replication controllers managing pods for redundancy and load balancing.

Beyond availability, replication controllers also help distribute load. When user demand increases, additional pods can better balance that load. If resources on a particular node become scarce, new pods can be scheduled across other nodes in your cluster.

The image illustrates load balancing and scaling in Kubernetes, showing users accessing multiple pods managed by a replication controller across two nodes.


While both replication controllers and replica sets serve similar purposes, the replication controller is the older technology being gradually replaced by the replica set. In this lesson, we will focus on replica sets for our demos and implementations.

Creating a Replication Controller

To create a replication controller, start by writing a configuration file (e.g., rc-definition.yaml). Like any Kubernetes manifest, the file contains four main sections: apiVersion, kind, metadata, and spec.

  1. apiVersion: For a replication controller, use v1.
  2. kind: Set this to ReplicationController.
  3. metadata: Provide a name (e.g., myapp-rc) and include labels such as app and type.
  4. spec: This section is crucial. It not only defines the desired number of replicas with the replicas key but also includes a template section which serves as the blueprint for creating the pods. Ensure that all pod-related entries in the template are indented correctly and aligned with replicas as siblings.

Once your YAML file is ready, create the replication controller using the following command:

kubectl create -f rc-definition.yml

Below is a complete example of a replication controller definition:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: myapp-rc
    app: myapp
    type: front-end
  replicas: 3
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
      - name: nginx-container
        image: nginx

When you run the following command, Kubernetes creates three pods according to the provided template:

kubectl create -f rc-definition.yml
# Output:
# replicationcontroller "myapp-rc" created

To view the replication controller and its pods, run these commands:

kubectl get replicationcontroller
kubectl get pods

A sample output might look like:

> kubectl get replicationcontroller
myapp-rc  3         3         3       19s

> kubectl get pods
myapp-rc-4lvk9  1/1     Running   0          20s
myapp-rc-mc2mf  1/1     Running   0          20s
myapp-rc-px9pz  1/1     Running   0          20s

Notice that the pods' names include the replication controller's name (myapp-rc), indicating their origin.

Introducing ReplicaSet

A ReplicaSet is a modern alternative to the replication controller, using an updated API version and some improvements. Here are the key differences:

  1. API Version: Use apps/v1 for a ReplicaSet.
  2. Selector: In addition to metadata and specification, a ReplicaSet requires a selector to explicitly determine which pods to manage. This is defined using matchLabels, which can also capture pods created before the ReplicaSet if they match the criteria.

Below is an example ReplicaSet definition:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: myapp-replicaset
    app: myapp
    type: front-end
  replicas: 3
      type: front-end
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
      - name: nginx-container
        image: nginx

Create the ReplicaSet with:

kubectl create -f replicaset-definition.yml

Then, verify its creation:

kubectl get replicaset

And view the associated pods:

kubectl get pods

Labels and Selectors

Labels in Kubernetes are critical because they enable controllers, such as ReplicaSets, to identify and manage the appropriate pods within a large cluster. For example, if you deploy multiple instances of a front-end web application, assign a label (e.g., tier: front-end) to each pod. Then, use a selector to target those pods:

    tier: front-end

The pod definition should similarly include the label:

  name: myapp-pod
    tier: front-end

This label-selector mechanism ensures that the ReplicaSet precisely targets the intended pods and maintains the set number of replicas by replacing any failed pods.

Is the Template Section Required?

Even if three pods with matching labels already exist in your cluster, the template section in the ReplicaSet specification remains essential. It serves as the blueprint for creating new pods if any fail, ensuring the desired state is consistently maintained.

Scaling the ReplicaSet

Scaling a ReplicaSet involves adjusting the number of pod replicas. There are two methods to achieve this:

  1. Update the Definition File

    Modify the replicas value in your YAML file (e.g., change from 3 to 6) and update the ReplicaSet with:

    kubectl replace -f replicaset-definition.yml
  2. Use the kubectl scale Command

    Scale directly from the command line:

    kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f replicaset-definition.yml


Keep in mind that if you scale using the kubectl scale command, the YAML file still reflects the original number of replicas. To maintain consistency, it may be necessary to update the YAML file after scaling.

Common Commands Overview

Below is a quick reference table summarizing some useful commands when working with replication controllers and ReplicaSets:

Resource TypeUse CaseExample Command
Create ObjectCreate from a definition filekubectl create -f <filename>
View ReplicaSets/RCList replication controllerskubectl get replicaset or kubectl get replicationcontroller
Delete ReplicaSet/RCRemove a replication controllerkubectl delete replicaset <replicaset-name>
Update DefinitionReplace object using YAML filekubectl replace -f <filename>
Scale ReplicaSet/RCChange number of replicaskubectl scale --replicas=<number> -f <filename>

That concludes our lesson on ReplicaSets and replication controllers in Kubernetes. Understanding these concepts is vital for managing high availability and load balancing in your cluster. Happy learning!

For further reading, check out Kubernetes Documentation.

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