DevOps Pre-Requisite Course
Networking Basics
A Quick Reminder
In this lesson, it's essential to focus on the provided labs and instructional videos. While the idea of setting up your own local environment might be tempting, we strongly recommend that you complete the course materials first. These labs and videos offer a structured, distraction-free learning experience designed to equip you with the necessary skills step by step.
Completing the structured course materials ensures a streamlined learning path and minimizes potential interruptions. This approach helps you optimize your learning and makes your time with KodeKloud more productive.
Listing Docker Images
During the labs, you'll encounter tasks such as listing Docker images on your system. Below is an example command that displays available Docker images:
$ docker images
redis latest 105MB
ubuntu latest 72.7MB
mysql latest 556MB
nginx latest 22.6MB
alpine latest 5.61MB
postgres latest 133MB
kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql latest 314MB
kodekloud/simple-webapp latest 96.6MB
Running a Redis Container
Once you're comfortable with the basics, you'll have the opportunity to run containers and build out your local environment. For now, in the lab environment, try running a Redis container with the following command:
$ docker run redis
Thank you for choosing our course. We at KodeKloud are committed to guiding you through every step of your learning journey and helping you achieve your technical career goals.
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