Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate - KCNA

Container Orchestration Security

Network Policies

Welcome to this in-depth article on network policies. In this lesson, you'll gain a clear understanding of fundamental networking and security concepts before exploring how to implement network policies in Kubernetes.

Basic Traffic Flow Example

Imagine a simple application with three main components:

  • A web server delivering the front end to users.
  • An API server managing back-end requests.
  • A database server storing application data.

The data flow in this setup is as follows:

  1. A user sends an HTTP request to the web server on port 80.
  2. The web server forwards the request to the API server on port 5000.
  3. The API server queries the database server on port 3306 and sends the response back to the user.

This example distinguishes between two traffic types:

  • Ingress traffic: Incoming flows to a component (e.g., user requests reaching the web server).
  • Egress traffic: Outgoing flows from a component (e.g., the web server requesting data from the API server).


When defining ingress and egress rules, only the originating direction of traffic is considered. Response traffic, often illustrated by dotted arrows, is typically not included in the initial rule definition.

The image illustrates network traffic flow, showing ingress and egress points with ports 80, 5000, and 3306, connecting a user, API, and database.

Traffic Requirements for Each Component

For this example, the following rules apply:

  • Web server:
    • Ingress: Accept HTTP traffic on port 80.
    • Egress: Allow traffic to the API server on port 5000.
  • API server:
    • Ingress: Accept traffic on port 5000.
    • Egress: Allow traffic to the database server on port 3306.
  • Database server:
    • Ingress: Accept traffic on port 3306.

Network Security in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, clusters are built from nodes that host pods and services, each with its own IP address. A key feature is that pods can communicate with one another out-of-the-box, without requiring manual routing. Typically, all pods reside on a single virtual private network (VPN) spanning the entire cluster, allowing seamless communication using pod IPs, names, or service definitions.

By default, Kubernetes employs an "all-allow" rule which enables unrestricted communication among pods and services.

The image illustrates a network security concept labeled "All Allow," showing interconnected nodes and shapes within a cloud, representing unrestricted communication.

Applying Network Policies in Kubernetes

Consider our example application again. In a typical deployment:

  • Each component runs in its own pod:
    • A pod for the front-end web server.
    • A pod for the API server.
    • A pod for the database server.
  • Services expose pods for external access and inter-pod communication.

Even though all three pods can communicate freely by default, you might want to restrict direct access between the web server and the database server for security reasons. In such cases, network policies let you ensure that only the API server can access the database server.

A network policy is a Kubernetes object similar to pods, ReplicaSets, and services. It uses labels and selectors to determine which pods the policy applies to. For instance, to secure the database server (DB pod), you can create a policy that allows ingress traffic only from the API pod on port 3306.

The image illustrates a network policy diagram showing connections between a user, Web Pod, API Pod, and DB Pod with specific ports and policies.

Once a network policy is enforced, it blocks all traffic that does not match the defined rules. Importantly, the policy affects only the pods to which it is applied.

The image illustrates a network policy allowing ingress traffic from an API pod to a database pod on port 3306.

Creating a Network Policy

To apply a network policy to a pod, you use labels and selectors much like you would with ReplicaSets or Services. Below is an example snippet that labels the database pod:

    role: db

In this configuration, the policy restricts ingress traffic to the DB pod. To allow traffic only from the API pod on port 3306, add the following section:

- Ingress
- from:
  - podSelector:
        name: api-pod
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 3306

Complete Network Policy Configuration

Below is a full example of a network policy configuration named db-policy for the database pod. This policy targets pods labeled as role: db and permits only ingress traffic from pods labeled name: api-pod on port 3306:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: db-policy
      role: db
    - Ingress
    - from:
        - podSelector:
              name: api-pod
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 3306

In this example, only ingress traffic is managed by the policy. All egress traffic from the DB pod remains unrestricted. To impose egress rules, include an egress section within the policyTypes.

Deploy the network policy using the kubectl create command. Keep in mind that enforcement of network policies depends on the networking solution deployed in your Kubernetes cluster. Not all solutions offer support. Supported solutions include kube-router, Calico, Romana, and Weave Net, whereas solutions like Flannel do not support network policies.

The image lists network solutions: Kube-router, Calico, Romana, and Weave-net support network policies, while Flannel does not.


Even if a cluster is configured with a networking solution that doesn't support network policies, you can still create them. However, they won't be enforced, and no error message will indicate this limitation.

That concludes our comprehensive overview of network policies in Kubernetes. With this knowledge, you can now secure your cluster by carefully defining and applying policies that control pod-to-pod communication.

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