Terraform Basics Training Course
Introduction to Infrastructure as Code
Types of IAC Tools
In this article, we introduce the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IAC) and review several popular IAC tools that help automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure.
Traditionally, infrastructure provisioning was performed manually using the management consoles provided by various cloud providers. However, a more robust approach is to codify the entire provisioning process. By writing and executing code, you can define, provision, configure, update, and ultimately decommission infrastructure resources. This approach is known as Infrastructure as Code (IAC). With IAC, almost every component—such as databases, networks, storage systems, and application configurations—can be managed via code.
Consider the following example of a Bash shell script that provisions an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, waits until it reaches a running state, verifies its status, and then associates an IP address with it:
EC2_INSTANCE=$(ec2-run-instances --instance-type t2.micro ami-0edab43b6fa892279)
INSTANCE=$(echo ${EC2_INSTANCE} | sed 's/.*INSTANCE //; s/ .*//')
# Wait for the instance to be ready
while ! ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE | grep -q "running"; do
echo "Waiting for $INSTANCE to be ready..."
# Check if the instance is not running and exit if so
if ! ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE | grep -q "running"; then
echo "Instance $INSTANCE is stopped."
ec2-associate-address $IP_ADDRESS -i $INSTANCE
echo "Instance $INSTANCE was created successfully!!!"
Managing such scripts can become cumbersome as complexity and custom logic increase. This is where IAC tools like Terraform and Ansible come in. These tools offer human-readable, maintainable configuration files that simplify infrastructure management.
For instance, the same infrastructure resource can be defined with a few lines of Terraform configuration:
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43b6fa892279"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
Below is an example using Ansible to provision three Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances with a specific AMI. Although both Ansible and Terraform are IAC tools, each serves different scenarios:
- amazon.aws.ec2:
key_name: mykey
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-123456
wait: yes
group: webserver
count: 3
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-29e63245
assign_public_ip: yes
IAC tools can be grouped into three main categories:
Configuration Management Tools
Examples include Ansible, Puppet, and SaltStack. These tools are used for installing and managing software on existing infrastructure components—such as servers, databases, and network devices. They offer a consistent structure for changes, facilitate version control, and are idempotent. An Ansible playbook or role can be stored in a version control system for reuse and distribution.
Server Templating Tools
Tools such as Docker, Vagrant, and Packer (from HashiCorp) allow you to create custom images pre-installed with the software and dependencies you need. This method reduces the need for post-deployment software installation and promotes immutable infrastructure. Common examples include VM images from osboxes.org, custom AMIs in Amazon AWS, and Docker images available on Docker Hub.
Infrastructure Provisioning Tools
These tools use a declarative, high-level language to provision infrastructure components, such as virtual machines, VPCs, databases, subnets, security groups, and storage. While AWS CloudFormation is tailored for AWS, Terraform is vendor-agnostic and supports a wide range of cloud providers through its plugin architecture.
In the upcoming lesson, we will explore how Terraform simplifies the process of provisioning infrastructure across multiple cloud providers.
For additional insights on IAC, consider these resources:
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