Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD
Core Concepts
Before you begin the practice test in this lesson, please review this guided walkthrough of the practice test portal. After watching this lecture, you will be directed to the labs. Click the "Start" button to launch the lab. For an optimal experience, make sure you access the practice test on a laptop or desktop, as a physical keyboard is essential for the hands-on tasks.
Allow a few moments for the lab environment to load. Although it usually takes less than 30 seconds, loading times may occasionally extend to a few minutes.
Once the lab is active, you will notice that the interface is split into two main components:
- On the left: the quiz portal displaying practice test questions.
- On the right: a live terminal that lets you run commands and interact with the system.
Depending on the focus of your study, the terminal environment may differ:
- A Linux terminal when learning Linux, shell scripting, or Git.
- A Docker host when exploring Docker.
- The Kubernetes control plane when working with Kubernetes.
This live terminal empowers you to execute commands and immediately apply your knowledge on assigned tasks.
Lab Components
The lab environment is divided into two key sections:
Located on the right, this is where you execute commands, view logs, and configure the Kubernetes cluster.Quiz Portal
Present on the left, this section displays practice test questions. The total number of questions is visible at the top, and your progress is continuously updated as you complete each question.
Questions vary in format. Some require you to search for information in the environment and select the correct answer, while others involve configuration tasks such as deploying Pods or services based on a provided specification and then verifying the setup. For example, you might receive a task to deploy resources using a provided config file, after which your solution will be automatically tested for accuracy.
At times, you may be given Kubernetes definition files and instructed to use them for creating configurations. It is recommended to utilize the vi editor, one of the supported editors within the exam environment.
Familiarizing yourself with the vi editor before starting can greatly improve your efficiency during the exam.
Some scenario-based multiple-choice questions are designed to test your theoretical knowledge and reinforce practical skills. Keep in mind that these questions are not part of the actual certification exam, but they provide valuable hands-on experience.
When you receive a specification, be sure to align your configuration precisely with the provided requirements.
You can skip a question by clicking the designated button at the top of the portal. However, remember that questions must be answered in sequence, and once skipped, you cannot return to any previous question. If your deployed application features a web interface, you can access it via the web portal link above your terminal. For example:
root@controlplane:~# kubectl expose pod nginx --port 80 --type NodePort
service/nginx exposed
If you need an additional terminal window, simply click the corresponding button at the top. Keep in mind that this environment is strictly for practice and does not replicate the actual Kubernetes certification exam interface. The emphasis is on the tasks you perform and the command line interactions.
You are welcome to retake these tests as many times as needed to build your confidence.
The lab environment is temporary—available for one hour (or as specified by the lab instructions) before it resets, and your work will not be saved. If you refresh the lab window, you should be returned to the same environment, but closing your browser or leaving the session idle for too long may terminate your session. In such cases, refresh the page to start a new session from the first question.
Do not use or store any personal credentials or persistent work in this environment.
Finally, these practice tests are crafted not only to assess the skills covered in the lecture but also to give you practical, hands-on experience. Some topics might extend beyond the lecture content. If you encounter any challenges, consult the relevant documentation for further guidance and answers. This is also an excellent opportunity to become more familiar with navigating documentation and extracting the necessary information.
For additional clarification or assistance on any topic, please feel free to reach out.
Hints and solutions for every question or task are available in the "Hints and Solutions" tab next to your question.
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Practice Lab
Practice lab