Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD

Core Concepts

Recap Pods

Hello and welcome to this lesson on Kubernetes Pods. This guide assumes that you have already met the following prerequisites:

  • Your application has been developed, containerized as Docker images, and pushed to a Docker repository (e.g., Docker Hub).
  • A Kubernetes cluster is up and running—whether it’s single-node or multi-node, all essential services must be operational.

Our objective with Kubernetes is to deploy your application within containers running on a cluster of worker nodes. However, instead of running containers directly, Kubernetes encapsulates them within an object called a pod. A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes and represents a single instance of your application.

The image illustrates a Kubernetes architecture with three nodes, one containing a pod, represented by container icons.

In a simple scenario, a single-node Kubernetes cluster will run one instance of your application inside a Docker container encapsulated within a pod.

When your application’s user base grows, you scale up by adding more instances of your application. Instead of launching multiple container instances in the same pod, Kubernetes creates new pods—each running a fresh instance of your application. This design ensures that every instance operates in its own pod. For example:

The image illustrates a Kubernetes cluster with a pod running a Python application, showing user interaction and node structure.

If the current node reaches its capacity due to increased user load, additional pods can be deployed on new nodes that are added to the cluster. In summary, pods maintain a one-to-one correspondence with application containers: to scale up, new pods are created; to scale down, pods are deleted. It is important not to add extra containers to an existing pod solely for scaling.


While a pod typically contains a single container, Kubernetes also supports multiple containers within a single pod for cases such as adding helper containers that perform supporting tasks.

Consider a scenario where you might include a helper container alongside your main application container. Both containers share the same pod, meaning they are created and terminated together. They communicate over localhost and can easily share storage.

The image illustrates a Kubernetes multi-container pod setup, featuring two containers with Python and .NET logos, labeled as "Helper Containers" within a node.

When a helper container is present, the combined set (application and helper) benefits from shared storage, network namespace, and lifecycle management.

The image illustrates a Kubernetes multi-container pod setup, showing two containers within a pod, labeled as "Helper Containers," connected via a network on a node.

Kubernetes Pods vs. Docker Containers

To further understand the benefits of Kubernetes pods, consider a similar Docker scenario. Suppose you deploy your application on a Docker host with:

docker run python-app

This command launches your application and makes it accessible. As user demand increases, you might run the command multiple times:

docker run python-app
docker run python-app
docker run python-app
docker run python-app
docker run helper --link app1
docker run helper --link app2
docker run helper --link app3
docker run helper --link app4

In this Docker setup, you must manually manage networking between application and helper containers (using links or custom networks), create shareable volumes, and monitor container states. If an application container fails, you need to manually stop its corresponding helper container, and vice versa.

Kubernetes Advantage

Kubernetes simplifies this process by automatically managing network connectivity, shared storage, and container lifecycles within pods. You only define the set of containers that comprise a pod, and they are always created and terminated together.

Deploying Pods Using kubectl

To deploy pods in Kubernetes, you use the kubectl command-line tool. The kubectl run command creates a pod by deploying a Docker container. For example, to deploy an instance of the nginx Docker image, run:

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

By default, Kubernetes pulls the specified image (here, nginx) from Docker Hub, a public repository for various Docker images. Kubernetes can also be configured to pull images from a private repository within your organization.

After deploying a pod, list the active pods in your cluster using:

kubectl get pods

The output might look like this:

C:\Kubernetes>kubectl get pods
NAME                    READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-8586cf59-whssr    0/1     ContainerCreating   0          3s

C:\Kubernetes>kubectl get pods
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-8586cf59-whssr    1/1     Running   0          8s

Note that although the pod is created, the nginx server is not yet exposed externally—it is only accessible within the node. To expose the service externally, further network and service configurations are required.

That concludes this lesson on Kubernetes Pods. Let's move on to the demo.

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A note on Docker Deprecation