Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD
Core Concepts
Solution Deployments optional
In this lab article, you will be introduced to Kubernetes deployments. We will walk through each step of the process while ensuring that your cluster is correctly set up and that deployments function as expected.
Step 1: Check the Initial Cluster State
Before creating any deployments, verify that your cluster has no existing pods, ReplicaSets, or deployments.
Start by checking for pods:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get pods
No resources found in default namespace.
Then, check for ReplicaSets:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get rs
No resources found in default namespace.
Finally, check for any deployments:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get deployments
No resources found in default namespace.
At this point, your environment is clean with zero pods, zero ReplicaSets, and zero deployments.
Step 2: Observe Changes After a Deployment is Created
After applying some changes, check the deployments again. You should now see that one deployment exists:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get deployments
frontend-deployment 0/4 4 0 10s
Examine the ReplicaSet created by that deployment:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get rs
frontend-deployment-7f8dcd-b696 4 4 0 35s
And then inspect the pods:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get pods
frontend-deployment-7f8dcd-b696-stmbx 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 59s
frontend-deployment-7f8dcd-b696-zc6x 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 59s
frontend-deployment-7f8dcd-b696-jgcbx 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 59s
frontend-deployment-7f8dcd-b696-jbr44 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 59s
Because none of the four pods are in a ready state, you need to identify which image they are trying to pull. Run the following command to display detailed information for one pod:
kubectl describe pod frontend-deployment-7fd8cdb696-stmbx
From the output, notice that the specified image is busybox:888
. Since this image does not exist, the pods are unable to reach a ready state.
The image name must be valid and available in your container registry. Verify the image tag before deployment to avoid issues like ImagePullBackOff.
Step 3: Create a New Deployment Using a YAML Definition
Verify Your Current Directory and Files
Ensure you are in the correct working directory and check the available files:
controlplane ~ ➜ pwd
controlplane ~ ➜ ls
deployment-definition-1.yaml sample.yaml
Attempt to Create the Deployment
Run the following command to create the deployment from the YAML file:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl create -f deployment-definition-1.yaml
If you encounter an error such as:
Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "deployment-definition-1.yaml": deployment in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Deployment: no kind "deployment" is registered for version "apps/v1" in scheme "k8s.io/apimachinery/v1.23.3-k3s1/pkg/runtime/scheme.go:100"
Open the file to correct the issue:
controlplane ~ ➜ vi deployment-definition-1.yaml
Update the Deployment YAML
The error is caused by incorrect casing in the kind field. The resource kind should be capitalized. Use the corrected YAML below:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment-1
replicas: 2
name: busybox-pod
name: busybox-pod
- name: busybox-container
image: busybox888
- sh
- "-c"
- echo Hello Kubernetes! && sleep 3600
After saving the changes, create the deployment again:
controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl create -f deployment-definition-1.yaml
Step 4: Create a Deployment Using Command-Line Parameters
You can also create a deployment by specifying parameters directly in the command line. First, review the help for deployment creation:
kubectl create deployment --help
For example, to create a deployment named http-frontend
using a specified image with three replicas, run:
kubectl create deployment http-frontend --image=<your-image> --replicas=3
After executing the command, verify that the deployment and pods are running as expected:
kubectl get deployments
Make sure that the http-frontend
deployment reflects the desired number of replicas in the ready state.
Final Validation
To ensure all deployments are functioning, validate by checking that all created deployments are running and the pods are in a ready state. This confirms that your environment is correctly configured and operational.
This concludes the lab article on Kubernetes deployments. In upcoming labs, you’ll explore additional Kubernetes functionalities to further enhance your skills.
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