Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD

Core Concepts

A Quick Reminder

Welcome to our course at KodeKloud! This article is a reminder to stay focused on the hands-on labs and detailed lessons provided in this training. Although you may be eager to experiment with your own local environment, we recommend following the structured labs and video tutorials until the designated point in the course.

Stay on Track

By concentrating on the provided course materials, you eliminate distractions and follow a clear, step-by-step learning path. This approach ensures you develop the essential skills required for success.

Below is an example command to display all available Docker images on your system:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                       TAG       SIZE
redis                            latest    105MB
ubuntu                           latest    72.7MB
mysql                            latest    556MB
nginx                            latest    22.6MB
alpine                           latest    5.61MB
nginx                            alpine    133MB
postgres                         latest    314MB
kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql    latest    96.6MB
kodekloud/simple-webapp          latest    84.8MB

Once you are comfortable with the foundational content, you will receive resources to help set up and customize your local development environment. For now, focus on following along with the labs. For example, run the Redis container from our labs using the following command:

$ docker run redis

Thank you for choosing KodeKloud for your learning journey. We are excited to support you as you build your skills and progress towards your goals.

For additional documentation and resources, consider exploring:

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